So version 1: No bling
Version 2: With bling
Which do you like better? I'm thinking no bling...but maybe need some buttons...or better yet...stick it in the mail and stop thinking about it!
Changing subjects completely...in news around the house:
- Marcel announced (at the old age of 5), "I got a girl. She knows my birthday and my number." Needless to say this got quite a giggle from us all which in turn caused Marcel to repeat it about ten more times! He has three little friends in his class that call him to play, "Valerie, Sara and Brooke." I'd say he has several girls! :)
- Ryan and Collin are going through a lovely stage. That stage where the 13 year old brother can't stand the 7 year old brother and the 7 year old brother is heard whispering to friends and other brothers, "I hate Ryan." Candidly, I can't stand that Collin says this and I can't stand that Ryan treats Collin poorly ...but we'll get through it. It may involve the punishment that Jonathon and Ryan had a few years ago where they had to sit in a room together until they wrote down ten things they loved about each other. That seemed to stop the fighting. I am trying hard to be patient and let them work it out...
- Jonathon is close to testing for his black belt. He has to complete his board breaking and knowledge tip and then he'll be ready to go. Beyond thrilled for him. Karate truly is his passion.
- Pat is helping a neighbor finish a basement (being very careful not to lift anything he shouldn't) and the volunteer hours for the upcoming baseball season are picking up. The uniform order is about to be placed.
- I am working a lot (this is our busy time of year) and looking forward to a day of scrapbooking with my sister-in-laws and friends on Saturday. And really looking forward to a weekend in Key West with my hubby in March.
Tough call but I think no bling. And yes, get it in the mail so it can't drive you crazy anymore! :)
You're like me where you can't stop thinking about it until it's perfect! I actually like with bling and maybe more bling in the middle of the flower? Just a thought, but I think it works just the way it is too! ;)
Love hearing about your family! You sound like you are in control and doing everything right! Love the card! For me, bling is always a favorite. I do know what you mean when you love a card then not so much after taking the photo. . . what's up with that?! Drives me crazy and happens to me a lot more than it should! HA! :)
I like the bling but both versions are great!
hmm...I may not be the person to ask about whether adding bling...you know what I'll say!! LOL I like it with, of course, but if it doesn't seem right, what I do is play around with the bling in different positions before I push down hard to adhere them...maybe 2 close to the flower, maybe one or two on one or both sides of the flower...or maybe just one big one for the flower center...see, you've got me "not helping" at all! LOL...ah, boys...it's hard with the age difference that they won't notice when they're older...ah, to be like Marcel...3 ladies already!! LOL I love that age :) So glad you will get to have a lot of fun on Saturday and I'm green with envy about your little getaway!! Sounds so fun and romantic :) have a great day :)
I'm not much of a bling person, sometimes I add it just because I buy it and then don't know what to do with it. Both cards are lovely.
Definitely MORE bling and even wrinkled ribbon. But then I am The Queen of bling so maybe you shouldn't listen to me at all.LOL
Love your "boy" stories. I have one boy and they are such a hoot in these teen years.
BTW, where do you go in the Keys? Hubby and I can't seem to find a NICE hotel on the beach.
We are our own worst critic sometimes, aren't we?! I didn't think I'd say this, but I prefer the one with the bling! Not that the other version isn't pretty; the bling just adds that li'l extra something!
Now go post this little beauty and think about the next card :D
Definitely with bling!
Thanks for always sharing great little family stories, I don't often leave comments but I do visit almost daily :o)
Love them both Lynn!!! CAS and super fabulous!!! But I have to say I do like the way you placed the bling on the second one :) Both would make any recipient smile!!! Gorgeous work! Wonderful take on the challenge colors! Thanks so much for playing along with JUGS!!! Hope you'll join us again next week!
Gosh, Lynn. I sure know what you mean about loving something, taking its picture, and then thinking, "eh..". I do love that background stamp... gorgeous! The card is fine both ways, but I kinda like the bling. Fun hearing about your family, too. Ah, boys. Gotta love 'em!
Lynn, I'm going to say no bling! I love that HA background stamp and have been eyeing it, too! I'm happy I'll be seeing it on your blog. :D
You sure have a lot of excitement going on in your house these days! It's fun to hear about the loves and I hope you will let us know how the argument between Ryan and Collin gets resolved.
I'm voting for bling. Just adds... something. (Although I'm not sure what. Hee.) It's beautiful either way, though.
Love hearing about your boys, too!
Oh how busy our lives get! I'm glad to see you are still working on your creations! Love how you've used these challenge colors1
Oh Lynn...I think both versions of your card are classy! The bling draws the eye to the sentiment naturally though, so maybe the version with the crystals (which is probably good right, since you added them already...I'm guessing this is how the card is getting sent! LOL).
So happy you could play along with us this week. The boys will work out their differences, I'm sure. I'm all about the punishment you imposed last time ;] Ha ha...if it works, go with it!
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